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    The 30 Best Employee Feedback Examples

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    Written By
    December 15, 2021

    Employee feedback is important to ensure the success of any team. An organization that has managed to make employee feedback part of its culture is well on its way. In this article, we will read through the 30 best employee feedback examples.

    employee feedback examples

    Providing feedback can be difficult sometimes, especially when there are emotions involved and maybe even when a loss has occurred. Nonetheless, it is something that should not be avoided.

    If you are a manager and have to manage a team, you need to understand how to provide structured, constructive feedback. 

    It is also important that employees understand that feedback isn’t a criticism but rather a way to align their goals with the organization.

    Employee feedback isn’t something that can be done once and forgotten about. Consistent feedback is important to ensure that things go smoothly. This doesn’t mean that managers have to micromanage and say something about everything the employee does.

    Remember, feedback isn’t always about making corrections or improvements, feedback should also be provided when you want to thank an employee or recognize their effort.

    A huge part of employee feedback is listening. Being able to receive feedback and let employees know that you are willing to listen to them is just as important as letting them know what you think.

    Why is Employee feedback important?

    Employee feedback is important for several reasons, one of the most obvious reasons is that it helps the organization understand how to improve its processes. Listening to your employees to understand what can be done differently to improve your process is an important factor in building a sustainable business.

    It helps the organization understand what employees need. Employees need to feel that they can come to you and ask you for the support they need to be able to do their jobs better. This could be simple things like better chairs or more complex requirements like integrating the latest tech to ensure that your human resources are more productive. 

    When your employees are used to the culture of listening to and giving feedback, they become more attuned to how customers feel about the goods or services they provide. Having an open feedback loop means that employees are willing to give the organization the feedback it needs to get better. It helps the organization understand what employees think customers need and ultimately keep customers happy.

    When employees and managers are able to communicate openly, they also build a bond. This bond allows people to trust each other and communicate about what they need. It may not be related to the job, but being able to talk to your colleague means that you have a healthy support system at your workplace. This makes it easier for managers to take care of their teams.

    Providing feedback to employees, whether it is patting them on the back when they do something great or letting them know that they need to do a little better is vital to an organization’s success. Employee feedback helps reinforce the best practices and good behavior.

    This Increases employee engagement. Employees who know that their work is seen and the organization recognizes their effort tend to feel more valued. This ultimately leads to improved employee engagement.


    Here are the 30 Best Employee Feedback examples in 2022

    Reinforcing positive employee behavior

    Let’s take a look at a few employee feedback examples of how to reinforce good behavior. 

    1. Let them know that you see their performance has improved.

    The project came together so well. The client was nothing but praises for the team. It looks like they may even sign a couple more contracts. We couldn’t have done it without you. You really outdid yourself.

    There are two parts to this employee feedback example. One part is letting them know that you see what they have done and that you are happy with it. They should know that you feel good about the employee putting in the effort. 

    The second part is letting them know how their effort is a contribution to the business as a whole. When employees see that their work amounts to something and it is actually making a difference to the business, they feel much more valued. 

    While you may have many employees that put in a lot of effort all the time, it doesn’t take too much effort to show them that you see what they are doing. 

    A dangerous situation that happens more often than you realize is when managers get used to their team doing great. It has become a norm. Managers often forget that being great all the time takes so much effort and forgetting to say thank you can have terrible effects. 

    A little thank you goes a long way in making sure your team is willing to put in the effort. 

    Engaging with employees on a direct level can have an amazing impact. 

    2. Take the time to show them you see exactly what they are doing. Let them know that you see their qualities.

    The customer came to you in such an irate mood. I love that you displayed compassion for their situation and let them know that they weren’t alone. The customer went from angry to asking you for a solution in just a few minutes.

    Your calm demeanor and how you care for our customers are amazing. I am really happy that you didn’t argue with the customer but rather provided them with a clear solution. Well done.”

    Saying 'well done' and ‘good job’ does help. But if you really want an employee to feel recognized and engaged, take the time to let them know exactly what you see in them. Point out their good qualities and the great behavior they displayed.

    Talking about employees' strengths and letting them know how those strengths helped them do their jobs better is a good way to make sure that employees feel valued. This makes them want to work on those skills and do a better job. 

    3. Let employees know that their peers value them too

    Your colleagues have been going on non-stop about how you handled that situation. No one expected us to come out on top of it. You really showed some leadership skills back there. 

    Let your employees know when other people are talking about their good traits and how they’ve stepped up.  Let them know that they are doing great and give them a reason to keep at it. 

    4. Be loud about the behavior that you want others to follow

    It looks like the training really paid off. You used the right maneuvers and kept calm when you were pulling that swimmer out of the water. I hope everyone else can see how important it is to follow protocol and follow your training.

    When an employee does something right, or the way the business wants it to be done, let them know. Be loud about it and let everyone know that what that employee is doing is what is desired by the business.

    5. Be there when things are tough and be there to greet them on the other side

    I know it hasn’t been easy. The building material got here late, the first load of cement was damaged, and we made some serious mistakes on the floor plan. Despite all that, thank you for working so hard to make sure the job got done in time. Thank you. 

    The job isn’t always going to go according to plan, sometimes despite an employee’s best efforts things may not go according to plan. It could be something to do with suppliers, maybe a mistake from management, or just plain bad luck. These things happen.

    Let them know that you see their struggle.

    Motivated employees are going to fight the situation and try their best to get through. When they do, let them know that you are proud of them, despite everything going against them, let them know that you appreciate that they persevered.

    Constructive Employee Feedback Examples

    There are going to be times when you need to correct an employee or let them know that they aren’t doing things the right way. Let’s take a look at some employee feedback examples where constructive feedback is used. 

    6. Handling poor behavior

    Listen, John, the way you handled your subordinate wasn’t the best. I know it was a tense situation and I understand what he did wasn’t right. But you know that bad practices don’t help improve other bad practices. Yes, he was out of line, but you really shouldn’t have shouted at him. Next time, pull the employee aside and have a conversation with them. If you are emotionally charged, give it a few minutes before you make the confrontation. I know that you can handle these situations better in the future.

    In this employee feedback example, you see that the manager did something wrong. The problem was brought up head-on, the issues were stated, and the solution was provided. Then the feedback was wrapped up with positive reinforcement about the manager’s ability to handle these kinds of situations.

    7. Follow up when employees fail to meet their goals

    Is everything okay? I noticed that you hadn’t met your goals for the last three months. I am quite worried. Shall we have a talk about what changes we both think can be made so we can achieve the target?

    In this employee feedback example, the issue is stated, the concern is voiced, and combined ownership is discussed when it comes to the resolution. 

    8. Address unexpected changes

    I’m used to you being the best. I’ve seen your name on the top of the stacks for the past six months. It isn’t the case now. Is there something I can do to help? Is everything okay?

    In this employee feedback example, the manager states what the issue is and then lets the employee know that this is below expectations. Then the manager asks for the employee’s feedback on the situation so that a healthy constructive conversation can begin. 

    9. Touch base when there’s a disconnect

    The client called me. They are happy that the project is completed within the deadline, but they have some concerns about the quality. Did something go wrong? I would like you to let me know what we could have done to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future.

    10. Be direct and assertive when the mistake is big

    Listen, we should not have sent out those products if they didn’t pass QC. Deadlines are no excuse to push out products that are below par. I want you to know that you can always come to me and let me know when things aren’t going okay. I’ll talk to the client and have your back in situations like that.

    11. Let them know it’s okay, that you are always there for them

    We really did make a big mistake by getting the delivery addresses mixed up. It looks like we are going to have to issue a full refund. Let’s make sure we check and double-check addresses before shipping out. Okay? I’ll take care of this. I’m glad you brought it to my attention. 

    12. When team members don’t value each other’s opinions

    Julie, I know that John put in a request for a new forklift. He cleared it with me. I noticed that it didn’t get to my desk. We really do need a new one. Can I ask why you didn’t put in a requisition?

    13. The same mistake keeps happening

    Hi Cathy, listen, I’ve noticed that you aren’t placing your customers on mute when you are talking to your teammates. We have a specific call flow and call practices in place to make sure customers don’t have a bad experience. I noticed that your customer satisfaction scores have also dropped recently. Would you like to shadow a senior for a few days so that you can get a better idea of how the process works?

    Examples of employee feedback where you let employees know that they can approach you

    15. An employee is always in a bad mood

    Timothy, how are you? You don’t seem to be your usual pleasant self. I feel like it may be affecting your work. Tim, I am here if you want to talk. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help, even if it just means listening for a few minutes.

    16. Employee has started coming in looking disheveled

    Hey, how are things at home? People are starting to notice how your appearance has changed. I just wanted to check in and see if everything was okay. Would you like to take a little while off work to ensure that we can have a chat while we walk the company park?

    17. When you know your employee is going through something

    I heard about your mother’s illness. I am sorry that things aren’t going great at the moment. We are all here for you. Please don’t hesitate to come to me for anything you may need. Would you like to take a couple of paid leaves to go spend with your mother?


    General employee feedback examples

    18. When you want to know if the process could use some improvement

    Hi, we see that the results aren’t as great as we expected. We have been watching closely, and all of you are doing a great job. Could you give us your input on how we can achieve our targets?

    19. When you want to know if the changes made have had a positive impact

    I know that things have been different since we made all the updates to the process. Could I pick your brain and see if there is anything that we need to work on?

    20. When you want to know if the training process has been effective

    How has your first week on the job been? Do you think that you were trained well enough on how to use the tools effectively? Were you comfortable with the process knowledge?

    21. To understand employees views on each other

    I see that the new hires seem to be taking to the process quite well. What do you think about the new additions to the team?

    22. Give employees the floor in a team meeting

    I know it’s been a great week. Is there anything anyone in the team would like to share with the rest of the team?

    23. Ask for feedback on the tools

    Are the tools that we have implemented easier to use than the old ones? Do they make your job easier?

    24. Give them an opportunity to talk about you

    I am really happy with our discussion so far. I wanted to know if there is anything you think I can work on to make our jobs easier.

    25. Ask for feedback on your performance

    I may have been a manager for the past four years, but I really enjoy learning from my team. I want to hear what you think of my leadership style. Feel free, to be frank, and let me know how I can improve.

    26. Find out if they need development support

    Our competitors are offering free courses to their employees. Do you think that if we did the same here, it would make us more efficient at our jobs? What kind of courses do you think we should start?

    27. Ask about their confidence in the organization

    The past three years have been an uphill struggle for the business. How do you think the business is going to do over the next couple of years?

    28. Find out about their manager’s performance

    We are really happy with how the team came together and completed the project. Has your manager been supportive and has he made sure you had everything you needed to do your job?

    29. When your employee goes above and beyond

    Wow. I can’t express how impressed I am with how that client was handled. You really went the extra mile. Thank you.

    30. Here is one that doesn’t get said enough. It is simple and often forgotten.

    Thank you.

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