Millennials are surely reinforcing your workforce. In contrast to the Gen X-ers (born before 1981), the Millennials have blossomed work characteristics and tendencies from doting parents, digitally structured lives and contact with diverse people.
They seek leadership from their managerial co-workers and expect that they will draw out and respect their ideas. Millennials seek a challenge and do not want to experience boredom. So make sure you equalize all the factors like pay-grade, work timings, workplace offerings, co-employee engagement etc.
State-of-the-art ways to ensure that the millennials stick by your company’s side:
Be the Captain Cool:
Millennials want to look up to you, learn from you, and receive daily feedback from you. They want “in” on the whole picture and to know the inside stuff too. Plan to invest a lot of time teaching and coaching and be aware of this commitment to millennials when you hire them..
Don’t expect them to be Mr. Perfect:
Millennials don’t want to be felt like they are back to school again, where they should be punctual about uniform and time. Of course, they know not ‘to cross the line.’ So give them the flexibility and freedom from the corporate work etiquette.
Proffer them with Work-Life Balance:
Millennials work steely, as long as they are present at the office. They don’t want their work life on their shoulders when they sit down for dinner at home or while at a movie. No matter the pay scale they don’t want to be held for 60 hours a week at work.
Bestow a Fun, Employee-centered Workplace:
Millennials want to relish their work, workplace and the friendships they make at the workplace. Worry if your millennial employees aren’t laughing, going out with workplace friends for lunch or aren’t helping plan the next company event. Suggest your long-term employees pave way for the millennials.
Assure they will have Professional Development:
Millennials want to have the taste of growing professionally, making them do what they already know will tire them out. Give them a scope to learn new skills, find their hidden talents and let them have a glimpse of all the departments in the organization.
Above all the managing mantras you should remember that millennials are in the middle of a tornado of life experiences like graduating college, moving homes, finding jobs, making new buddies, growing up on their own, splurging their salary or saving it, deciding the path they want to go the rest of their life and later settling down with partners, starting all over again, and yet, they still haven’t lost their optimism for the world. In the end, Millennials are helping us build better teams. It is just a matter of harnessing the benefits they bring.
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