To keep the employees engaged and motivated, a manager must give their team a change in pace, or at least, something to look forward to. One way to do that is to celebrate your financial year or your org’s anniversary by giving your employees the recognition that they deserve.
Now, as the title of this blog suggests, we will be discussing some of the funniest employee awards, and doing something like that not only helps an employer keep their employees engaged but also helps them feel special about themselves.
Funny jokes, anecdotes, and titles are the foundation of funny stories and inside jokes, which can help keep a team, if not an organization, intact.
Let’s go through some of the reasons why employee recognition and employee awards are important for building an impeccable company culture.
Why Do We Need to Give Out Employee Awards?
Employee awards are nothing but a way to recognize people who work for you and celebrate their contribution to the organization. Employee awards, in particular, help zero in on every person on the team and goes to show your undivided attention towards every person on the team.
It makes the employees realize that the management knows all their minuscule details and quirks that make them stand out. This promotes company culture and helps employees form a special bond with the management AND the colleagues.
Here are 53+ Funny Employee Awards to Help Drive Engagement
Now, without further ado, let’s have some fun with this list of funny employee awards:
Performance-based awards :
1. Road-runner Award
For that one employee who can be seen running around all over the place to collect data and information.2. The All-rounder Award
For that one employee who seems to be great at coming up with strategies, carrying out their responsibilities, and submitting their assignments in time.
3. Round of Applause Award
For that one employee who succeeds in whatever they undertake.
4. Note Taken Award
For the employee who is always quick to take notes and always has everything jotted down.5. Budget Cruncher Award
For that one employee who always comes up with accurate numbers.
6. The Helper Award
For the employee who is always aiding everyone with their tasks.
7. Calmer of Storms Award
For the one employee who helps all decisions come to a conclusion.
Sports And Fitness Awards :
8. Take the stairs Award
For the one employee who would make every ride a workout session.
9. Back from the Gym Award
For the employee who comes to the office straight from the gym.
10. Late For The Gym Award
For the employee who insists on leaving early to go to the gym.
11. Where’s-My-Protein Award
For the employee who has a special gym diet to abide by.
The Entertainment Industry:
12. One-Liner Champ Award
For that one employee who can break this ice with just one line.
13. Class Clown Award
For the employee who cannot help but be funny all of the time.
14. Everyone’s Bestie Award
For the employee who is everybody’s confidant and everyone’s comfort zone.
15. The Practical Joker Award
For the employee who is always throwing impromptu skits and doing impressions to make everyone laugh.
The Talent Repository :
16. President of the Poet Society
For that one employee whose idea of fun is to read and write poetry.
17. The Office Dancer Award
For the employee who can groove whenever the moment asks for it.
18. The Office Picasso Award
For the employee who can draw and paint with their eyes closed.
19. Sings-Like-A-Canary Award
For that one employee who sings with the melody from heavens.
20. The Doodler Award
For that employee who can doodle cartoons or do caricatures in their free time (or in a meeting).
Desk-organization-related Awards :
21. Such a Klutz Award
For the employee who has entirely too many things on their desk to the point that they are a moment away from a potential spill.
22. Deserted Island Award
For the employee who likes their desk to be completely uncluttered.
23. Everything At Once Award
For the employee who throws their notebooks, pens, food, scarfs, and more right on their desks.
24. Personal Dresser Award
For the employees who put grooming products like moisturizers, hair gels, combs, etc. on their desks.
25. Too clean to be true Award
For the employees who like to keep their things organized on their desks.
26. Everything Color-coded Award
For the employees who go one step further and decorate their desks to make them look neat.
‘Time Is Relative’ Awards:
27. The Early Bird Award
For the employee who always makes an early arrival.
28. The 7-and-I’m-out Award
For the one employee who always wants to leave as soon as their shift is over.
29. Night Owl Award
For the employee who likes to put in more hours than the ones that they are required to.
30. Weekender Award
For the employee who looks forward to Friday more than any other day of the week.
31. I-Smell-Food Award
For the employee who is always waiting for the lunch break hour.
32. On-The-Dot Award
For the employee who is always time for meetings, office dinners, and parties.
33. Schedule and Ditch Award
For the employee who is most likely to schedule a meeting and ditch it when the time comes.
34. Drowsy Mondays Award
For the employee who returns from the weekend with resentment for Monday.
55. Monday’s-got-nothing-on-me Award
For the employee who NEVER gets Monday blues.
Dress to Impress Awards:
36. Quirky T-shirt Award
For the employee who likes to dress in graphic hoodies or t-shirts.
37. Red And Bold Award
For the employee who likes to dress in bold colors like neon green or red.
38. Dressed-To-The-Nines Award
For the employees who are well-dressed every day to the office without fail.
Awards For The Snacking Specialists:
39. Salad-For-Lunch Award
For the employee who has a small appetite, the one who would gladly just have salad for lunch.
40. Always Munching Award
For the employee who brings a whole assortment of snacks to the workplace every day.
41. Food for the Brain Award
For the employee who can’t work with an empty stomach.
42. The Caffeine Addict Award
For the employee who finds it hard to work without a cup of joe every 2 hours.
43. Never Hungry Award
For the employees who would happily skip meals without any inconvenience.
Techie awards :
44. Shortcut to everything Award
For the employee who knows the computer hack for virtually everything.
45. Maybe-it’s-the-wires Award
For the employee who has trouble navigating the technology and blames the wires for their computer troubles.
46. Loud Typist Award
For the person who is known for typing loudly. (Wear your headphones around this one)
47. The Keyboard Wiz
For the person who types unrealistically fast. (Do I see smoke coming from that keyboard?)
“The Incredibles” Awards:
48. The Observer Award
For the employee who observes and then remembers every little detail.
49. Hobbies-Are-Passions Award
For the one employee who takes up one too many hobbies as their passion projects.
50. I’ll-Try-Everything Award
For the employee who is daring enough to try everything at least once.
Take The Lead Awards:
51. Forever the optimist Award
For the employee who is always sure that things will work out in the end (and they almost always do!)
52. Yes-sir Award
For the employee who does not let any opportunity slip from their hands.
53. The Initiator Award
For the employee who always takes initiative and leads the team to success.
To Summarize
Employee engagement is an integral part of providing the employees an experience from which they can draw happiness and satisfaction. Therefore, fun events like these where you get to celebrate all the employees in a fun setting can be a real opportunity for the whole workforce to come together.
We hope you make the most out of all these funny employee awards. We'll keep adding to the list so you can cover every employee with an apt title!
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