Majority of the organisations today are faced with a tough and unfamiliar situation. The impact of COVID-19 on businesses has been unprecedented, leading to a series of chain reactions which would understandably be hard to steer through. The question which now arises is, "What happens after the lock down?" How can organisations enable their employees to return to work safely? That being said, we at Darwinbox believe in producing the best solution at every level. Adaptability is key and thus, we have started implementing new features at full throttle! Presenting our 3 new features which can solve the need of the hour.
Multiple Shift Allocation:
Plan and View Shifts by Work Location.
It has become a clear fact that an employee would be having multiple shifts throughout different months post lock down. The new enhancement would help in doing exactly that!
Feature Highlights:
Shift Allotment for the Whole Week:
With our new addition of "Shift Blocks", shift allotment can be done effortlessly. An employee can now have different shifts for each day in a week! With this new addition, we enable the employee to view each of his daily shifts under the "Attendance View" Section wherein the employee can plan accordingly for the next day. -
Work From Home Vs Work From Office:
The entire workforce would be divided into multiple time brackets and locations under Work From Home and Work From Office shifts. With the addition of this new feature which enables you to differentiate a shift to be a Work From Home to a Work From office shift, employees can now be aligned with their goals and plan ahead of time.
Virtual ID Card with QR Code:
Know your Daily Shifts and Verify Shift to allow Office entry.
It becomes quite evident that limiting the movement of employees in order to maintain social distancing is going to be the need of the hour. With this new addition to our product package, this would be done seamlessly without any hassle.
Feature Highlights:
Know your Daily Shifts:
Employees can now have the "on the go" flexibility to know which shift is assigned to them for the day i.e., the location (Home or Office) and the shift timing. With just a tap, the employee can figure out the same seamlessly. -
Verify Shift to allow Office Entry and Restrict Employee Movement:
We are moving towards a time when almost all organisations would be focusing on a distributed workforce structure to maintain employee safety and productivity. Henceforth, Darwinbox was able to sharpshoot at the exact problem statement and come up with a concrete solution. With our new enhancement, we provide the ability to the organisation to scan the Virtual ID Card of the employee (QR code) to verify his/her shift of the day and mark attendance only when the system approves. To enable the process seamless for the security personnel a dedicated intuitive app has been introduced using which he/she can scan the employee QR code swiftly and verify the shift thereby effectively monitoring all employee movements. This helps the organisation to keep a track of employees coming to office and limit unwanted movement.
Shift Change Request:
Today it is more necessary to provide employees the flexibility to ensure stability and safety. With this new feature, employees can now apply for shift change requests with just 2 taps.
Feature Highlights:
Flexibility to Opt between Work From Home and Work From Office Shift:
With the new feature of differentiating between a Work From Home Shift to a Work From Office shift, the employee can apply for a shift change request effortlessly and can choose among the available shifts for shift change request for any day. -
Limit Which Shifts Can be Available as a Shift Change Request:
With the new product enhancement, organisations can restrict which shift should be made available under shift change request and map the same accordingly. Each shift change request would go to the direct manager of the employee for approval.
Visitor Management
To ensure employee safety it is imperative for organisations to track, monitor and record all visitor movements. It is absolutely essential to have a well-defined visitor management process and system in place.
Feature highlights
Control/ Track incoming visitors in real-time:
The feature allows for instant Whatsapp/SMS code-based verification along with immediate notification to the host regarding the visitor(s) arrival. You can also set up multi-level approval workflows for allowing a visitor thereby establishing a better control mechanism. -
Virtual ID card for the Visitor:
This feature helps in generating a virtual ID card for the visitor with all host details making the entry process seamless and limiting the number of touchpoints for both the security personnel and visitor. The system also helps maintain a record of all visitor movements and employee interactions with visitors.
Building practical, relevant and helpful solutions for our customers has always been foundational to Darwinbox. And even in these times of angst and uncertainty, our motto is no different. We at Darwinbox, will keep working tirelessly to bring to you the best solutions to plan for a stable present and healthy future. Here are the 15 must-have HRMS features to make your employees return to work, safe and connected.
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