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    What’s Darwinbox Reading This November?

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    Ratnika Sharma
    Written By
    Ratnika Sharma
    December 2, 2020

    Everyone at Darwinbox is busy creating their Happiness Project!

    While this unprecedented pandemic has tested people’s immunity and questioned everyone’s inherent lifestyles, it has also tested their mental strength and tenacity. Keeping calm was nothing short of a herculean task.

    Emotions were on a rollercoaster ride, anxiety was a guest who never seemed to leave, and uncertainty still looms big on the horizon. But just as Darwinians don’t stop until they have solved the challenge at hand, they didn’t want to just sit around and complain about the pandemic either.

    So, the leadership decided to arm their workforce with tools that would help them build both physical and mental fitness. And so parcels of strength were sent to all the employees, wrapped with love that had the No.1 New York Times Bestseller book The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and a fitness tracker.



    But why specifically the Happiness Project?

    Words of Wisdom That Work

    So, the author had set out to lead and live a more enriched, fulfilled and happy life and tracked her methods to achieve that for a whole year. Which she called The Happiness Project. Each chapter is a month of to-do activities that would bring her more happiness and contentment in different areas of life like marriage, work, children etc.

    The book is about how the smallest of things can bring about inner calm and that’s exactly what all the Darwinians need to push their boundaries and strive to excel, and be happy, no matter what. And it doesn’t have to be taking a vacation or going on a retreat. Happiness can be found in everyday living, doing the simple things. So if cleaning your closet, singing a song or dressing up gives you happiness, then make sure you make time for it, regularly.

    One of the things the book mentions is to act energetically, even if you aren’t feeling so. When you take the effort to act energetic, you actually feel energetic. Another golden nugget for all those married people out there - (this one always gets all ears) - is to quit nagging and show proofs of love. This means to start appreciating the littlest of things that your spouse does for you or around the house. Seems like what everyone says right? But you’ll have to read how she does it to understand why it works.

    When it comes to work, she says that happy people not only work more but also work in their free time. They are generally more cooperative and less self-centered - say by pitching to help out a colleague. Rubin lists down things like asking for help, launching a blog and enjoying the fun of failure as methods that worked for her become productive at work.

    Mind Your Wellness

    There is no doubt what a good run or plenty of exercise can do the body and mind. But little emphasis is given on the importance of keeping the mind fit and building the emotional quotient.

    Experts say that emotional and mental health is important because it’s a vital part of our life and impacts our thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Being healthy emotionally can promote productivity and effectiveness in work, or any activity that we do.

    But, in the last few months since the pandemic hit, the whole world has been turned on its head. As work went remote and people were forced to stay indoors due to lockdowns, even the most mentally strong and optimistic people found themselves grappling for some cheer and trying to see the glass half full. As organisations begin to realise how important it is for their workforce to stay mentally healthy and genuinely happy, they are ensuring that their employees receive the appropriate help.

    And to be honest, Darwinians don’t take their mental wellbeing lightly. So, it was no surprise that the gift was received with open arms...and minds.

    We’re preparing to return to work happier, more fit and ready to take on the world. How are you creating your happiness project? Let us know in the comments below.

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