When your business is booming, you need to recognise the force which propagates that growth. Apart from your customers, your employees need to feel welcomed and feel appreciated and duly rewarded for their work. And If the number of employees you have to manage is increasing, it is about time to implement a powerful rewards and recognition program. Combined with the trend in the industry to rely on HRMS suites like Darwinbox, implementing a good R&R program will work wonders for your business.
Here are 13 types of rewards and recognition for employees that you should consider implementing in your organisation.
- Fun and Games
Games have always been a traditional part of rewards and recognition. With the whole world embracing the virtual, online gaming has become part of the daily routine. Gamifying your employee’s stats and putting up leaderboards is a great way to keep employees engaged and keep their focus on the right metrics.
Personal Development
With more staff working from their homes, balancing life and work has revealed a new frontier in personal development. Your people need to learn how to de-stress in the healthiest possible way. Offering yoga and wellness sessions for the go-getters or access to premium music services can be a great way to help them find balance.
- Vote for Rewards
A great way to get the pulse of your team is to ask them what they want. Take advantage of integrated HRM suites like Darwinbox to understand exactly what your employees want. Let them choose their rewards.
- A Peek at the Boss’s Life
Every employee wants to get to the level of their boss. The world today has become a more transparent and open place. It would be nice to have a deserving employee tag the boss for a day. Alternatively, having the boss fitted with a body cam would be a great way of letting your team know what goes into your day.
- Make it Formal
Recognising the top players is great. Giving them something they can use in their careers is even better. Make your recognition of their efforts formal; it may be a certificate or a trophy at the quarterly business review.
- Make their Dreams Come True
When you have access to tools like Darwinbox’s marketplace, taking feedback from employees about what they want and letting them redeem goodies or travel packages using their points is a great way to make sure you are keeping them happy.
- Involve the Family
Think about creating events or outings that top performers can bring their families to. There is nothing like showing off how amazing people think you are to your near and dear ones.
- Thank Goodness it’s Friday
When your team has been doing great consistently, walk onto the floor and announce an early end to the day. You have no idea how much they will appreciate it. A few extra hours to chill or spend time with the family is invaluable to a hard worker.
- Swiggy it
With a significant chunk of your HR pool working from home, you must know that it can’t be easy to give your all when you have to manage the kids learning from home and prepare meals. Go ahead and give the guys who are still meeting their targets a break, send some amazing food over to their place.
- Professional Development
Professionals today are spending more and more time enhancing their skill set for the very competitive worlds they work in. Offering amazing learning opportunities shows employees that you want to equip them to be the best they can. It isn’t easy to take time out of your work schedule to learn a new skill or get certified in the industry’s latest tech. Integrating L&D into your rewards and recognition programs is a smart way to enable your team. It is all about making sure your employees grow to be ready for your future business targets.
- Celebrate Important days
With inclusivity becoming a much-needed change in corporate culture, show your employees that you care. Celebrate the important days. Recognising more than just work is vital in ensuring your employees lean on you when they need to.
- Be Loud About it
Splash great employees’ names across internal social media or on your website. Let everyone know that you see how great the performers are doing. Create a culture around rewards and recognition.
- Reward Kindness
In the world, as it is today, a little generosity can go a long way. Reward the employees that take the time to help a team-mate in need.
- Dinner
A great way to bond and understand each other is over food. Reward the best employee or the best team with a nice dinner. This is a great way to break away from workplace formalities and understand what your employees are about. In the current situation, you may not be able to do this the old-fashioned way. With Darwinbox’s integrated internal social network Vibe, you can take advantage of amazing tech and still have all the fun. Maybe don’t just order in, have a virtual cook-off, and see how competitive everyone gets; one rule though, the boss must cook too.
Ensure Successful Implementation Of These Rewards And Recognition For Your Employees
Use these great ways of showing your employees how much you care. A rewards and recognition program implemented and managed well ensures you have loyal employees.
There have been vast and varying changes in the human resources sector in recent years. The one area that has changed irreversibly is how technology aids in making better decisions quicker and more efficiently. Everyone is coming on board, integrating technology into their everyday professional and personal lives.
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