What would be that one environment where the senior most folks at a company could get completely decimated by a bunch of new interns? Or another one where you could tell the founder that he has zero experience in this field, and he must live with not coming out on top or even in the top ten for that matter? In fact, it would be better if he not even try to!
Well, such incidents happen with clockwork regularity late evenings every Friday, when Darwinians host their internal quizzing league (Qriosity, as it has been officially christened). While most of us look forward in general to weekends as a time to relax and unwind, folks here at Darwinbox love having one final internal battle to win before the unwinding starts. And trust us when we say it, a legit battle of wits and knowledge it is! Colleagues posted across the globe battle it out on a myriad number of themes, ranging from something as wide as ‘Flora and Fauna’ to something as niche as the sitcom ‘Friends’.
The team of organizers for this weekly quiz also put in a tremendous effort, including but not limited to finalizing the theme for the week, finding a quiz master, shortlisting the questions, setting it all up, full blown email marketing for increased participation and finally coordinating for the final picture (screenshot of a Zoom call, sadly these days).
The banter during the 40-45 minutes of the Quiz is also something everyone looks forward to, with people enjoying their favorite drinks while playing, trying to jinx each other’s performance, and having a lot of fun at the quiz master’s expense as well. This is a no holds barred competition, so anything and everything that can distract the opponent is thrown in, ranging from comments about someone’s receding hairline, to resorting to straight out threatening people to not cooperate while preparing for the quarterly business review, everything is fair in this battle for a podium finish. Throwing in a personal appeal here to our HR team, I feel the budget as well as the quantum of prizes should be increased from the current ones.
The slightly sad part is when a few minutes after wrapping up, we realize how isolated we have become from our friends and colleagues, and how much we miss seeing each other. A big part of the culture at Darwinbox has always been cross location and cross team collaboration. That is something which still happens with the same vigour, but no longer sitting at the same table and sharing a pizza. Till the time we are back to our normal way of functioning, it is’ Quiz Mode On’ at Darwinbox every Friday!
P.S. Not everyone at Darwinbox is a quizzing maniac, our people engage in a lot of other non work-related activities too. We will definitely tell you more about Life@Darwinbox in our future issues!
P.P.S. A huge part of our brain is always looking for novel things and information to learn about. If you fall in this majority and love learning new trivia about the world, you can go through some of the more fun as well as esoteric questions from one of our past quizzes HERE.
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